
Showing posts from September, 2022


This unit discusses details on learning styles, the nature of knowledge, social factors, and theories of human and curriculum development for the learners. I also learned that every nature of knowledge has its content which differs from others, has its aims and objectives, and is well defined, planned, and organized. A style of learning refers to an individual's preferred way to absorb process, comprehend and retain information. Each student comes with different abilities and learning needs in the classroom. So the teacher needs to identify each student's different abilities and learning needs and accordingly design instructional strategies that will lead to success in learning for each student. There are ten social forces that influence the curriculum and the curriculum planners’ change according to the current social issues. A variety of family situations, and social economic, and cultural background shows the most influence on the learner's education opportunities.  Ther...

UNIT 2- Educational Philosophies

Bhutanese have a unity of thought when it comes to GNH, as schools are considered one of the core places where children spend most of their waking hours compared to their home, it is important to educate and make them explore more. Therefore it is very important to infuse GNH into the school curriculum to understand its concept. Hence, it will fulfill the idea of wholesome education as well as wholesome personal development of an individual student.  I have learned that the GNH-infused curriculum aspires to facilitate a holistic education that would address some of the humanistic values we need in this era. I was surprised to know that non-teaching staff are also well-known to the concepts of GNH-infused curriculum. They are of the view that some students in college are well disciplined and respectful while some are not; it is not because some learned and some didn't, hence GNH in curricula helps to promote values in students' behavior. The lecturers and teachers who are curren...